Generally speaking, someone is selected for an all-star team because of talents displayed in his or her "work" environment. This can be a sports field, a sales industry, or a standard office environment.
In theory, all-star teams should be ultra-successful. So why do many fail?
1. Inability to Build a Culture of Trust and Respect
All-star teams are usually composed of stellar performers with enormous egos, which may translate into a lack of trust. Superstars like the limelight; while they may not distrust someone, they may not easily trust others or be trusted themselves.
Without trust and respect, a team lacks a solid foundation. So, as an all-star team leader, how is this countered?
Building trust is easy — not necessarily simple, but relatively easy. Some people are more trusting than others, and some hold back because of previous experiences. Regardless, the most effective ways to build trust are:
- Say what you mean and mean what you say.
- Always speak and act with integrity.
- Be consistent between word and deed.
- Stay out of the gossip and rumor mills.
2. Failure to Create the Chemistry Needed to Succeed
In the movie Miracle, Kurt Russell, acting as U.S. Olympic team coach Herb Brooks, says, "I'm not looking for the best players; I'm looking for the right players." This is critical to understand when it comes to an all-star team's success. Whether in sports or business, an all-star team must have the right players in the right positions. If not, the team may pursue a common goal, but since the players are not complementing each other's skills and mindsets, disaster will strike the core of the team.
How is the chemistry of your team?
The more you know about your team members professionally and personally, the more quickly and effectively your team will gel. Remember: the best players aren't always the right ones.
Team chemistry allows for trust and respect while all members continue to focus on accomplishing their individual and team productivity goals.
3. Lack of Mutual Accountability
It is one thing for management to hold everyone accountable — they should — and it is even better when team members hold each other accountable. Some of the best teams are those whose leaders are only resources in the event of a problem. Team members take care of the basic problems as they arise by holding each other 110% accountable.
As an example, the Hillstone Restaurant Group — which owns several restaurants including Houston's, Gulf Stream, and Bandera — follows this strategy to a tee. Each server has immediate responsibility for his or her tables, as well as assisting other servers in getting the food out, tables bused, and checks paid. In most restaurants of this nature, the servers pool their tips at the end of the shift; however, here they hold each other accountable and do not share in a tip pool. This concept raises the level of service throughout.
Other organizations have accomplished this result by having customers and other departments complete a satisfaction survey that involves not just one person but the entire team...and everything from bonuses to performance evaluations to increased pay depends on the team's survey results. Everyone is held accountable, resulting in a win-win situation.
4. Poor Team Language
Communication is the root of most problems, and ineffective teamwork is no different. While traditional communication between two people is vital, ineffective internal communication in a team setting will result in disaster.
The first sign of an internal breakdown is "me-centered" language, which is not healthy when it comes to accomplishing the ultimate goal. Often this occurs in the subconscious mind and is never noticed.
In the workplace this language typically sounds like "I think it should have been done this way" or maybe "I just don't get it." One of the biggest offenders is the phrase "It's not my job." These are all "me" statements because they revolve around one person rather than the team.
Every team goes through a development process. In the beginning each member is about his or her individual performance, and as the team matures, it becomes more about the whole of the team.
As team members begin to trust and respect each other, the process moves more smoothly. A successful leader focuses on the communication of "we" and not individual success or failure. Once the mind begins to process the difference in internal language, the external language follows suit. In a team environment, what's important is what went right or wrong, not who succeeded or who caused the mishap.
When a team performs at peak levels, everyone feels as though he or she is an integral part of something successful. Success allows the team to experience more focus, cooperation, productivity, and impact throughout the entire organization, as well as with their customers and vendors.
Teamwork is not about getting along with everyone because, let's face it, that will never happen. If we understand others' behaviors and adapt ours to a more team-centered approach, we can become better producers. That is the little secret of playing nice in the sandbox.
About the Author
Gregg Gregory, founder of Gregg Gregory, LLC, works with organizations to create cultures where people work together and perform at peak levels. Through his interactive workshops and consulting, Gregg's clients achieve greater team focus, cooperation, productivity, and impact. His experience includes more than two decades in human resources, real estate, mortgage banking, and radio and television broadcasting. Please contact Gregg at 866-764-TEAM or visit